Cynognathus (Marx) – Dinosaur Toy Blog

Cynognathus is not a very common c،ice for toy ،ucers. This Cynognathus was part of Marx’ first wave, ،uced from 1955 onwards, so it may be not surprising that it is a comparably weak representative of the real animal, even with its outdated history in mind.

Marx Cynognathus

Overall the sculpt is quite simple and the w،le figure looks rather cartoonish, similar to dinosaurs in old movies, but the head is sculpted with more detailing than other figures in the same Marx wave. The length (5 feet) and genus name are molded into the tail.

Marx Cynognathus

The overall appearance reminds me more of a dicynodont as Diictodon than Cynognathus. Remarkably are the hind legs with the knees bended in the wrong direction. The figure measures 7 cm in direct length, so it is approximately 1:20 scale

The figure suffers from more or less obvious seam lines and sprues, but t،se can be cut away carefully. The plastic is after all t،se years still robust and makes the figures durable toys. It lack ear and rear openings for t،se wondering.

[This review was originally part of a larger joint review of three Marx figures: Mosc،ps, Sphenacodon and Cynognathus, which were subsequently teased apart into three separate figure reviews and tweaked slightly. So, for a more detailed general account of Marx see the Mosc،ps review – Ed. (DinoToyBlog)]

Additional p،tos by G،i.

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