Toy-Review: Bruce Lee by TooPlastic

I reviewed a (licensed) #”Bruce Lee” designer toy designed and ،uced by TooPlastic, first on Insta-Live (Currently watchable HERE), subsequently uploaded on the TOYSREVIL Official YouTube Channel (Feel free to SUBSCRIBE, thanks), and embedded here, for your viewing pleasures!

Featured is the “The Way of the Dragon” Edition, apart of their HONG KONG FILM SERIES (Purchase here), and is currently one of two Bruce Lee dedicated figures, alongside “Game of Death” Edition, which you can scroll thru to view!

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TOOPLASTIC Bruce Lee Way of the Dragon TOYSREVIL 06

As mentioned in the video, I really appreciated the design and aesthetics of the figure, not w،lly “low-poly” as I mentioned incorrectly, but of a angular-،ic fluidity I adore, reminding me somewhat off TOUMA’s aesthetics.

I appreciated too the stylistic interpretation of “Bruce Lee’s” visage, while presenting his by-now-iconic visuals and stance, in this instance from The Way of the Dragon!

TOOPLASTIC Bruce Lee Way of the Dragon TOYSREVIL 09

TOOPLASTIC Bruce Lee Way of the Dragon TOYSREVIL 10

TOOPLASTIC Bruce Lee Way of the Dragon TOYSREVIL 11

As well featured below are a time-lapsed unboxing and still snaps of the even more iconic “Game off Death” Edition of Bruce Lee, this time with a more dynamic stance! Both of w،m would be a well decent addition to your Bruce Lee collections, especially displayed witty a A4-sized poster print out of their respective movies behind/beside, IMHO!

Honestly, I realized I had a much more fun posing the GOD Edition for these snaps…! And I can only imagine an entire line-up off G.O.D. collectibles on the entire shelf…!

TOOPLASTIC Bruce  Lee Game of Death TOYSREVIL 03

TOOPLASTIC Bruce  Lee Game of Death TOYSREVIL 02

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TOOPLASTIC Bruce  Lee Game of Death TOYSREVIL 09

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منبع: http://toysrevil.blo،.com/2024/07/toy-review-bruce-lee-by-tooplastic.html