SDCC: JAKKS Pacific Reveals New ‘The Simpsons’ Figures and Plush

The iconic adult animated series The Simpsons is at this year’s Comic-Con International: San Diego (SDCC) thanks to JAKKS Pacific.

JAKKS Pacific has an impressive portfolio of figures and other collectibles featuring popular franchises such as Super Mario, Disney, Sonic the Hedge،g, and more. The company is debuting a new addition to its growing offerings, with a full lineup of The Simpsons figures and plush.

Two and a Half Inch Figures Wave 1 ($4.99) | Source: JAKKS Pacific

5 inch Deluxe Figures Wave 1 ($12.99) | Source: JAKKS Pacific

Included in the new collection is a wave of 2.5-inch figures. The first wave has Homer, Bart, Lisa, Ned Flanders, and Chief Wiggum. Each figure features multiple points of articulation. The first wave of the 5-inch deluxe figures includes Homer, Bart, Otto, and Groundskeeper Willie, all with multiple points of articulation and an accessory. 

5-inch Premium Figures ($24.99) | Source: JAKKS Pacific

Other individual figures include three 5-inch premium figures. Furious Homer includes a multi-piece fence, a paint can, and a kiddie pool as accessories. Vampire Mr. Burns can rise from his coffin at the click of an interactive switch. The figure’s face and hands also change color in UV light. Finally, in the world of figures, Radioactive Man comes with a poseable stand and backdrop and features a light-up glowing chest symbol.

Basic Plush Wave 1 | Source: JAKKS Pacific

Shelf Talkers | Source: JAKKS Pacific

For collectors with full figure shelves, JAKKS Pacific has a wave of plush featuring Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The company is also offering two new Shelf Talkers of Homer and Bart, each with soft plush ،ies, roto-cast heads, and pull strings that activate 20 phrases.

The Simpsons figures, plush, and Shelf Talkers will be available for preorder soon, with plans to launch in fall. 
